Examples with computer graphics and physics in the broswer using C++, SDL3, Emscripten, and OpenGL ES 2.0
Tools: SDL3, Emscripten, OpenGL 2.0 ES, OpenAL, Box2D, Bullet Physics, Collada (.dae), TinyXML2, RapidJSON, stb_image, Sublime Text 4, and CMake
First person and third movement in the browser
- Demo in C++, SDL3, OpenGL ES 2.0, and Bullet Physics
- Demo in JavaScript, pure WebGL 1.0, and Ammo.js
- Cloudy skybox using SDL3, Emscripten, OpenGL ES 2.0, Collada, TinyXML2, stb_image, and C++
- Mountain skybox using SDL3, Emscripten, OpenGL ES 2.0, Collada, TinyXML2, stb_image, and C++
- Baked shadows and textures using SDL3, Emscripten, OpenGL ES 2.0, Bullet Physics, Collada, TinyXML2, stb_image, and C++
- Compare pygmies using SDL3, Emscripten, OpenGL ES 2.0, Bullet Physics, Collada, TinyXML2, stb_image, and C++
Music and sounds with OpenAL
2D graphics
- Line drawer using SDL3, Emscripten, OpenGL ES 2.0, and C++
- Ring drawer using SDL3, Emscripten, OpenGL ES 2.0, and C++
- Colored and textured crates using SDL3, Emscripten, OpenGL ES 2.0, and C++
- Pick colored and textured crates with color ID using SDL3, Emscripten, OpenGL ES 2.0, and C++
- Select a 2D fir with color ID using SDL3, Emscripten, C++, OpenGL ES 2.0, and stb_image
- Click buttons with color ID using SDL3, Emscripten, C++, OpenGL ES 2.0, stb_image, Free Texture Packer, and RapidJSON
Multiplayer with WebSockets
You should wait 30-50 seconds before the application is started because it is a free hosting on Render.com
- Simple chat using SDL3, Emscripten, WebSockets, C++, and JavaScript